Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Loving the Sun

We are loving the sunshine around here.
We went to the cove and walked on the beach and watched the waves crash on the rocks.
We watch the cute seal pups play and played in the sand.
It was beautiful!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Paper Pumpkins

I just wanted to share these super easy pumpkins with my crafty (and not so crafty) friends. They are really easy and inexpensive to make.
You can make these any size you want. I cut pieces 1" x 6"... 14 pieces in total. I put a knot in the end of embroidery floss and put it through one end of the paper strips. Then I put the same floss through the other side of the strips. I pushed all of the strips down so they bowed out, and then made a knot at the top. I added a bow to finish it, with a rolled piece of card stock for the stem. Fun and easy!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Apple Picking

This morning we drove up to Julian to pick apples. We hyave never done this before and we had a ton of fun. Jae and JC are at such fun ages and had a good time running up and down the rows of trees and picking apples. Here are some pics from our morning...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Jae and The Atomic Green Blasters

Today was Jae's first soccer game and she did awesome...she almost scored a goal.
I have to say that I was a little nervous before the game started. Last week at practice her team was scrimmaging and a boy was dribbling the ball. Her coaches were yelling, "Get him! Get him!" Apparently she thought that meant tackle him. She grabbed him by the shirt and brought him down to the ground and tumbled down with him. Oops!
I was so proud of her today. She did such a good job and she had so much fun. She kept telling everyone that she played a "real soccer game."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kindergarten here we come...

Yesterday was Jae's first day of Kindergarten. She did so good. She was so confident and so ready. On the way to school she said, "You know, I'm not even nervous to go to school." I wanted to tell her that I was nervous for her but instead I told her that I was glad and that I was excited for her. She is going to a Spanish Immersion school so her teacher only speaks Spanish to the kids. I am so thankful that she loves school and wants to be there. She loves her teacher and was very happy to see some of her friends from preschool.

I still can't believe that I have a Kindergartner...but at least, she is the cutest one :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The New Children's Museum

This morning we went to the New Children's Museum and it was way cool. There was a lot of fun stuff for the kids to to. They got to paint, climb, jump and much more. Here are some pictures from our morning...